Welcome to the Centrifuge SDK documentation. The Centrifuge SDK is a JavaScript client for interacting with the Centrifuge ecosystem. It provides a comprehensive, fully typed library to integrate investments and redemptions, generate financial reports, manage pools, and much more.
The SDK is available as an npm package. It it is built to run both client-side and server-side. The SDK uses viem under the hood and is required as a peer dependency.
npm install @centrifuge/sdk viem
# or
yarn add @centrifuge/sdk viem
The SDK can be initialized with or without a config object. If no config is provided, the SDK will use the default values.
import { Centrifuge } from "@centrifuge/sdk";
const centrifuge = new Centrifuge();
type Config = {
environment: "mainnet" | "demo" | "dev";
rpcUrls?: Record<number | string, string>;
indexerUrl: string;
ipfsUrl: string;
Mainnet is the default environment if no config is provided. Any configurations can be overridden in the config object.
const centrifuge = new Centrifuge({
environment: "mainnet",
rpcUrls: {
1: "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR_INFURA_PROJECT_ID",
indexerUrl: "https://indexer.centrifuge.io",
ipfsUrl: "https://ipfs.centrifuge.io",
By setting the environment to demo
, the SDK will connect to Sepolia testnet.
const centrifuge = new Centrifuge({
environment: "demo",
SDK Overview
The Centrifuge SDK provides the following interfaces (more will be added soon):
Queries return Promise-like Observables. They can be either awaited to get a single value, or subscribed to to get fresh data whenever on-chain data changes.
The returned results are either immutable values, or entities that can be further queried.
try {
const pool = await centrifuge.pools();
} catch (error) {
const subscription = centrifuge.pools().subscribe(
(pool) => console.log(pool),
(error) => console.error(error)
Query caching
const report1 = await pool.reports.balanceSheet();
const report2 = await pool.reports.balanceSheet(); // resolves immediately
const report3 = await pool.reports.balanceSheet({ groupBy: "month" }); // also resolves immediately as it doesn't need to fetch new data
sleep(5 * 60 * 1000);
const report4 = await pool.reports.balanceSheet(); // will wait for fresh data
The results of queries are cached and shared between observables. When subscribing to a query multiple times, the underlying observables that fetch data are only subscribed to once. Data remains cached for a few minutes and will be passed to new subscribers. This is particularly useful in user-facing applications as queries can sometimes lead to a cascade of 4 or 5 requests and can slow down an application.
const centrifuge = new Centrifuge({ cache: false }); // TODO NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
// ...
const investment1 = await vault.investment("0x...");
await vault.claim();
const investment2 = await vault.investment("0x..."); // will fetch again
In a script you may want to disable caching to ensure that data is always fresh.
To perform transactions, you need to set a signer on the centrifuge
can be a EIP1193-compatible provider or a Viem LocalAccount.
With this you can call transaction methods. Similar to queries they can be awaited to get their final result, or subscribed to get get status updates.
const pool = await centrifuge.pool("1");
try {
const status = await pool.closeEpoch();
} catch (error) {
const pool = await centrifuge.pool("1");
const subscription = pool.closeEpoch().subscribe(
(status) => console.log(pool),
(error) => console.error(error),
() => console.log("complete")